The Software Practice Advancement (SPA) specialist group brings together practitioners to share knowledge and experience about best and emerging practices for software development. In particular the group is concerned with good and efficient design, the positioning of new technologies, and the promotion of reflective, inclusive and balanced processes. SPA has evolved from OOPS, the object technology specialist group.
SPA membership is free. The group holds free monthly evening meetings in London and has a regional group in Cambridge. SPA also organises an annual conference (the world-renowned OT series), specialist seminar series and other events.
SPA's mission is to:
- Encourage the development of software systems based on sound design principles
- Foster reflective practice
- Promote development processes that balance human and technical potential
- Position new and emerging technologies within modern design practice
- Support a community of people to pursue these goals.
Why join?
Read about the benefits of membership.
SPA is a BCS specialist group - you can read more about this here.
SPA's history
SPA is over twenty years old. Read more.
Friendly organisations
There are a number of friendly organisations whose goals are broadly sympathetic to those of SPA, and with whom SPA has had cross-sponsorship or other arrangements in the past.
Where's OOPS?
BCS OOPS changed its name to SPA. Find out why.