Software Practice: the State of the Art
As we approach the end of the first decade of the (now not-so-new) millennium, we take the opportunity to reflect on key areas of software practice, how they have changed, and what the future may hold.
The landscape of technology is changing more quickly than ever, so we have chosen experts in the fields of development tools, team and organisational practice, enterprise architecture, new application architectures, and large and complex projects, to guide us through the important developments in these areas and to present a taste of what's to come.
Five talks from six leading experts
The series kicks off on Friday 19 September, with
Kevin McGuire (Eclipse UI Architect, IBM Canada) talking about development tools and environments, covering the thinking that's leading to new approaches in Eclipse 4. On Tuesday 30 September social complexity expert and Europe's leading Scrum trainer
Joseph Pelrine will talk about effective development teams and how they work inside organisations.
The following Monday, 6 October, Rob James (HSBC) and Eoin Woods (Barclays Global Investors) draw on their extensive experience of systems and technology in large organisations to present a snapshot of enterprise architecture. The focus shifts to the web-connected desktop and mobile devices on Monday 13 October, when Adobe platform evangelist Andrew Shorten talks about new developments in application architecture, Finally, on Monday 20 October IBM Architecture Practice lead Nick Ababurko will talk about how he's tackled some of the biggest and most complex projects that IBM has undertaken.
Read full details on the talks and speakers here, and there's a calendar for the complete programme.
Registration for the Autumn Series cost £75.00 (for BCS and SPA members) and £90.00 (non-members). Five talks by experts, for a fraction of the cost of a conference - the SPA Autumn Series represented incredible value to hear about the State of the Art in Software Practice.
Registration for the Autumn Series is now closed.
When and where
6:00pm - 8:00 pm September/October 2008
calendar for dates of individual talks
Talks start at 6:30, with refreshments available from 6:00